健康 and Wellness

Older woman looking in mirror

3 ways to minimize the effects of aging on your skin

Roberta Lucas, MD, speaks to myths and truths behind anti-aging skin care.

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Firework display

Celebrate with fireworks safely - be prepared, be safe, be responsible

Here are tips for keeping you—and your family—safe around fireworks.

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picture of sun shining over a valley

How you can stay safe in the summer heat

Heat waves and poor air quality can affect our health—especially if you are someone with lung or heart conditions. Here are some tips for staying safe when summer heat and humidity rise.

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Image of blood donation statistics

Blood donations needed

Summer means greater demand for blood as donations drop due to vacations and school closings.

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Medical professionals reviewing an image of a heart

AFib’s on the rise. A new approach may help treat it.

Pulsed Field Ablation is a new way to treat a condition that is becoming increasingly common in the United States. Here’s what you need to know about AFib and how to address it.

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picture of woman spraying bug spray

Staying safe during tick season

Ticks are out in New Hampshire and Vermont. Here's what you need to know to prevent tick-related illnesses.

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Woman at Dartmouth Cancer Food Pantry

Community Spotlight

Supporting members of our community extends beyond providing healthcare. Read about these impactful local and state initiatives that we invest in.

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food pantry shelf

Where to go if you are in need of food

If you are finding it hard to meet your own or your family’s dietary or nutrition needs, these Vermont and New Hampshire organizations can help. Most accept donations, too.

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Family looking at solar eclipse

Protecting your eyes during the solar eclipse

On April 8th, the skies of Vermont and New Hampshire will go dark. Are your eyes prepared?

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Nurse taking blood pressure

Protect your heart with these prevention tips

Heart disease is America’s number one killer. Understand your risks so that you can make meaningful changes to your lifestyle and diet.

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